Cyberjutsu is a revolutionary approach to information security based on authentic, formerly classified Ninja scrolls. It synthesizes today’s infosec field with the tactics and techniques used by ancient Japanese ninjas – history’s original Advanced Persistent Threat (APT). Written by Ben McCarty, a former NSA developer and the U.S. Army’s first cyber warfare specialist, this essential handbook for cyber defenders draws fascinating parallels between the stealth warriors of feudal Japan and modern cybersecurity concepts, analyzing how real ninjas practiced information assurance, infiltration, and espionage requiring covert access to heavily fortified organizations.
Aimed at infosec experts and non-technical readers alike, the book teaches over a dozen ancient approaches to modern security problems. You’ll see why mapping your network like an adversary can be used to your advantage; you’ll discover the effectiveness of social-engineering techniques used by ninjas to slip into castles; and you’ll engage in “castle” thought exercises that will teach you to think like a true cyber ninja.
Targeted Age Group:: 10-99
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I believe cyber defenders look toward problems of the future, but after reading the ninja scrolls – it taught me we have much to learn from ninja of the past.
In addition, I was so fascinated by the knowledge in the ancient ninja scrolls after reading them that I could not shake this feeling of wanting to write a book about it. It kept gnawing on my brain for a few years before I relented and started writing it.
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